The AI in question:
targets.forEach(target => target.isHamas = true);
Wasn’t JavaScript evil enough?
Ai is trained on input data, and if their input data is on past idf strikes then it’s no fucking wonder they’ve killed so many journalists.
Input data was literally just a map of Gaza
deleted by creator
Human life dictated by a machine on who to kill. You need to be so fucking cold and evil to be okay with this.
Not only is it heinous it’s also obvious this is just a testing ground for it. Think about it, a testing ground that the test is how many you can kill using AI. We need an amendment to the Geneva convention
Seconded as gaza being a testing ground for oppressive techniques and technologies!
I’m sure the machine running it was quite warm actually.
International law, who needs it I guess? Seems to me like Israel doesn’t need allies.
Speaking of “international law”, what uniform do Hamas fighters wear?
Right so because they aren’t obvious in a crowd it’s better to murder the whole crowd? Are kids Hamas? Cuz there’s a whole lot of murdered kids on Israel’s hands.
Sound logic my guy
Maybe not, but why people ask only to Israel to respect internations laws and the Geneva convention ? The Geneva convention has a series of stipulations and one of them said explicitly that if you don’t respect it for your enemy you loose the right to invoke it for yourself.
So, Hamas openly ignore any international law and openly admitted it (Hamas leaders said that they use their civilians as shields to the scope to have everyone pressure Israel) but somehow Israel is the bad guy.
Man, I don’t like it, I think it is very sad and nasty, but the more time pass the more I am thinking that all this is the application of the “they fucked around then they found out” applied to the Gazan civilians. Israel left Gaza years ago (10 ? 15?), they had the possibility to elect their government and they choose Hamas, which has in its constitution to destroy Israel, they let Hamas to steal all the international aids. Now they are in the situation to be used as human shield by the same people they elected. Maybe it they wanted to live in peace, they should have choose more wisely…
BTW, I am old enough to remember Palestinian women and children to celebrate the attack on the twin towers back in 2001, so maybe they are not really as innocent as they want to be seen from the others.
Guerrilla Warfare isn’t a new concept. Especially when fighting in home territory.
True, but Guerrilla Warfare tactic has its consequences. You use it, you need to be ready to pay the cost.
What a wild way to justify Occupation, Apartheid, and Genocide.
I am not justifying anything, I am only saying that if you make a decision there are consequences.
This justifies genocide in your mind?
There is no genocide, if there was the casualty figure would be far higher.
Man, do you people realize that if Israel really wanted to commit a genocide then Gaza would have been erased from the map many years ago, right ?
Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) and Summery by the International Court of Justice
Nice, now show me all the times that was asked to Hamas to follow the same laws.
One thing of the war laws is that if you don’t follow them with me, you cannot ask me to follow them with you. And I would be in the right.
Hamas committed multiple war crimes with ‘indiscriminate’ rockets and mortars
It’s almost like Human Rights Organization hold everyone accountable, it’s just that Israel does magnitudes more war crimes and violations of international law for longer than the existence of Hamas.
This is Israel going ahead with the genocide because this is the Israeli government is finally “conservative” enough to actually do it instead of just talking about it.
The judicial reforms were one indicator, this invasion is another.
Israel has jumped the shark.
Already said, it is sad and nasty but I cannot avoid to think that this is the only possible outcome given how Hamas and the Gaza civilian decided to act.
You are blaming the CIVILIANS in Gaza?
I hope you were well paid to voice that opinion, otherwise …
Well, your CIVILIANS
- voted for Hamas, well knowing what the Hamas political program were/is
- let Hamas steal all the aids that the rest of the world send them
- let Hamas use them as shields
- let Hamas to destroy that little infrastructures they had to build weapopns
- agree with Hamas to ever refuse any possible peacefull solution
- let Hamas put weapons in their homes
- let Hamas hide in their homes
- celebrate, even women and children, every attack on the west (they celebrate the twin Towers attack, but I know, it is not on YT or Goggle so it does not exist)
and now they are getting what they voted for. I mean, you cannot continually hit Mike Tyson in the face and then go crying to your mother when he hit back…
I only want that they will be hold accountable for the consequences of their own choices, like everyone should be. Is that that wrong ?
They’re starting to get pushback with their more methodical genocide and you somehow think they could get away with just instantly wiping out Gaza from the map (especially many years ago when it was bigger)? Hey, maybe israel is special and can pull it off, but this is still a genocide either way.
I did not said that. I said that if they really wanted then they had a lot of opportunities to do it in the past. Now they probably don’t care as long as they are left alone by Hamas.
Apparently world central kitchen uniforms you fucking monster.
The machine didn’t do anything. They built a targeting “AI” that is trained on bullshit data, which likely doesn’t distinguish between Hamas targets and civilians, but it’s ultimately these genocidal bastards who decide when to kill and they choose to do so far more often than not. They’re throwing the “AI” buzzword in to add a layer of abstraction between themselves and the genocide they’re perpetrating.
The purpose of a system is what it does
According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment, or sheer ignorance of circumstances.
The AI is “supposed” to identify targets, but in reality, the system’s purpose is to justify indiscriminate murder.
It sounds sinister until you remember that Hamas wipes it’s ass with the Geneva convention and regularly disguises fighters as civilians.
Go back to reddit, Hasbara.
So they built skynet?
Sounds more like Project Insight to me
It looks like they tried “kill all the poor”.
1% of which was just a bowl of guacamole.
Being a terrorist should be incredibly dangerous. Terrorists shouldn’t feel safe anywhere, especially not at home. No sympathy from me.
Yes, because, they are doing a great job separating them from everyone else.
Not that Hamas is doing a great job to separate itself from their own civilans.
So a terrorist organization hiding among the population makes carpet bombing the city and committing Genocide acceptable?
Israel has been under attack for 50+ years and its citizens attack constantly. They had the moral high ground of saints.
But since October they have gone full Nazi on the Palestinians. They are trying to wipe Gaza down to the bed rock and EVERY human in it.
I don’t believe one justifies the other.
I don’t believe one justifies the other.
Me neither. On the other hand I see what it is happening as the only possible consequence of what Hamas and the population choose to do.
The vast majority killed aren’t terrorists. Just yesterday, Israel killed seven World Kitchen humanitarian aid workers in their World Kitchen labeled cars that were authorized by Israel to be there. Three cars, targeted one after another, all bombed. The tops of the cars had the logo so they wouldn’t be bombed.
The IDF is a terrorist organization
This is pure insanity, but at least I can see the kind of insane thinking that allowed Germans to live their comfortable lives just a few kilometers away from concentration camps. When you say “Hamas is from Palestine, therefore Palestine is a target” and you manage to convince yourself that infant civilians are an acceptable casualty then you are no better.
Agreed. Israeli “Defence” Forces soldiers should not feel safe anywhere, hence the endless resistance from Palestinians.
That’s going so well for them.