• @flop_leash_973@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    People need to stop holding Jobs up as some deity of tech. He was a marketing and hype man that was in the right place at the right time and knew how to take advantage of that luck. Nothing more, nothing less. It is equally possible his leadership style would have squandered the opportunities Apple has had since his death had it been him and not Cook in charge.

    By any metric other than “line must always go up” Apple is doing just fine.

    “Oh no, they haven’t found another multi hundred billion dollar product to release since the iPhone, even though there are no signs that the iPhone won’t continue to be a very profitable business for years and years to come…better go dig up Steve jobs, shove a stick up his back, magic his corpse back to life, and beg him to save the shareholders profit margins”, the horror.

    • @jj4211@lemmy.world
      193 months ago

      To be fair, we saw formerly what Apple without jobs did, it was a failure. So one might wonder when the new Apple might run out. The catch being that the iPhone, app store, and iTunes are all indefinite money machines, except maybe iPhone one day. So they had a steak of ever increasingly wildly successful products that culminated in the iPhone and then no mind blowing follow-up, but they don’t need one. Folks may like the narrative that Jobs death coincided with their last big product category though

      We also saw Jobs without Apple, also pretty much a failure.

      • Hildegarde
        43 months ago

        NeXT was successful at being an application for the position of CEO at apple.

    • @DingoBilly@lemmy.world
      323 months ago

      He was very much the Elon Musk of his times, and it’s very possible he would have gone down the same route of extremist views and decisions that completely failed because of his egoism.

        • @unphazed@lemmy.world
          143 months ago

          He believed in the teachings of a 20th century cultist who said you excreted mucus based on dietary choices, and therefore didn’t have to worry about health or bathing unless you ate poorly. (Stinky dude who also made an 8 yr old cry for eating a cheeseburger).

          Wish everyone health but guy was as extreme as it gets in regards to being an asshole. Denied his daughter, settled child support days before taking Apple into the public market, etc.

  • @Skkorm@lemmy.world
    1413 months ago

    The amount of credit people give Steve Jobs is such a kick to the nuts to all the engineers that designed those products

    • @phoneymouse@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I listened to an interview with Scott Forestall several years back and he discusses the meeting he was in where Steve Jobs basically gave them the idea for the iPhone. He had seen the multi-touch displays, initially just used for very large displays, and also was seeing mobile phones take off at the same time. He was the one who put those two together and told the team to work on it. Sure, the product managers and designers came up with the details of the product and engineers figured out the tech to support it, but without that initial idea and leadership’s support to expend resources on building it, it may not have happened.

      There are a lot of companies with bad uninspiring leadership that just ship what everyone else is shipping. Apple under Steve Jobs was trying to innovate.

    • @filister@lemmy.world
      233 months ago

      The same with Musk. People are seeing him as the sole engineer of Tesla and SpaceX while in reality anonymous engineers did all this possible.

        • @filister@lemmy.world
          53 months ago

          I think in one of his autobiographies he was claiming that he self educated how to build rockets from some books and I wonder how much of this is true and how much is coming from his ego.

          • @ours@lemmy.world
            43 months ago

            From Mr. “make rocket pointier because LOL”? I’ll put my money on the latter option.

      • gian
        -53 months ago

        True, but without him both Tesla and SpaceX would not be here. Same for Jobs, without him Apple probably would not be what it is.

    • @Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
      153 months ago

      Im not gonna sit here and shill for people like job and musk. But i have to say there is somethkng to be said about steering a ship in the right direction.

      Jobs knew how to market the products, and steer the engineers in the right direction.

      One thing he always said was that there only needed to be one iphone and one ipad. I recall that the with the ipad he said it was the perfect size and didn’t need alternatives or it would become less functional.

      Then he died and the ipad mini was released, as well as the iphone 5c.

      In 2012, the year following the iphone 5c and the year of the ipad mini apple lost its global market lead to android.

      They diluted the product and confused the market of loyalists and general consumers by releasing multiple versions of their main product and if you ask me, thats when the cracks started to show.

      Apple havent had a majority of the global market share for years now.

      • pachrist
        03 months ago

        I think what Jobs really understood was that in a world of Ford, people crave a Ferrari.

        Making the best be beautiful and accessible is hard, but you do it through focus and intentionality. Jobs, despite his many, many faults did that well.

    • @CoggyMcFee@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I mean, certainly he gets more credit than deserved. But I find it hard to deny the major impact he had. When he was hired back as CEO in the late 90s, Apple already had talented engineers, but there was no coherence or direction in what they were working on, and the next gen OS was never going to happen. Back then, CEO Michael Dell was asked what he’d do if he were in charge of Apple and he said he’d shut it down. Apple was a punching bag in the industry.

      Jobs immediately made radical changes at the company, eliminating most of their product line which was superfluous and confusing, shutting down software projects that were “neat” but didn’t fit into a vision, putting them on the path to release OS X (which his company had envisioned and developed the basis for while he was away from Apple), changing their marketing strategy, making the most clear-cut product line I’d ever seen, and turning conference keynotes into must-see TV. And in addition to that he pushed Apple towards the iMac, the iPod and the music store, and the iPhone.

      It took amazing engineers and a lot of work and pain to actually deliver these products. And Jobs does get more credit than deserved. But I think he does deserve a whole lot of credit.

  • @RavuAlHemio@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Great choice of website:

    Independent journalism is made possible by advertising.

    That is the polar opposite of the truth.

    • @Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
      113 months ago

      "People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

      You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity.

      Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

      You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs."

      – Banksy

    • @AMDIsOurLord@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      NoteBookCheck is a legit website, what issue do you have with them? I always found their reviews and information and testing to be high quality

      This is like shitting on GamersNexus because they removed some shitty product in every video to make money

  • @esc27@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Apple managed to capture lightning in a bottle, twice. First by making a better Walkman, and then again by making that device a phone with internet access. They were able to leverage that success to revitalize their computer hardware business and act as a platform for selling accessories, and all of that made them very successful.

    But the stock market doesn’t care about past success, it cares about growth, and without a major new, or buzz worthy product, investors might start to turn against Apple. Problem is, they have ridden the iPod horse about as far as it can go. They tried putting wheels on it, but that failed, and the jury is still out on whether tying one to your face will work out or not.

    • Veraxus
      103 months ago

      Yep. Doesn’t matter how healthy or stable a company is… when infinite growth is no longer feasible, investors would rather pick the bones clean than let it be.

    • @Skullgrid@lemmy.world
      -63 months ago

      by making that device a phone with internet access.

      Fuck you WAP phones existed. Blackberries existed.

      • @nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
        83 months ago

        Apple made it better. There is innovation in execution (whether they “invented” things or not) and that is what Apple does. It’s why Blackberries are things of the past.

  • @mlg@lemmy.world
    273 months ago

    Not like it matters because they’re a silicon valley giant so even the next zero change iphone will sell morbillion units.

  • kingthrillgore
    343 months ago

    The Apple Car was the hint the wheels fell off, because it was out of scope for Apple’s focus. And the Vision Pro is the next biggest one, because Steve haaaaaaated wearable computing.

    • @headroom@lemmy.ml
      123 months ago

      Meh, when you have a chip that powerful and that energy efficient, trying something in wearable computing is a no brainer imo.

      • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        63 months ago

        I still don’t know who wants wearable tech. Just using my phone can be painful at times. Notifications after notifications. Enable cookies, mark as read that work email, deal with the emoji in the group chat, ignore that spam call voicemail, ignore that update, dismiss that missed alarm, read the notification from my kid’s school that the PTO meeting was moved…

        Now imagine you can’t just put it down. It is right there screaming for your attention. Just emails alone probably eat 10% or more of my working day. The very last thing I want is the screaming notifications to be on face in my field of vision.

        Plus that thing is going to smell like ass in a month.

      • @RatBin@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        Wearable computing does not have to be a VR device, and it can be anything with a sensor, a cpu, gpu and networking features. Apple has at least one succesful wearable computing device, the apple watch. I am not touching vr anyway, it look pointless in nature and gives simulation sickness.

  • @Skullgrid@lemmy.world
    603 months ago

    Jobs was the fucking cracks. The reason why zoomers have no fucking idea where their files are on their computer are because of the shitty attitude instilled into iphones/ipods.

    He started the entire fucking enshittification trend and everyone ate his asshole like peaches.

  • @stoly@lemmy.world
    153 months ago

    This article is garbage. The only thing that Steve Jobs did was have ideas and enough narcissism to force them on other people. Engineers and designers far smarter than he did the actual work.

    • @Jesus_666@feddit.de
      143 months ago

      To be fair, he also had an eye for good product design. Not the skills to implement it but the ability to see whether a design is good.

      Of course he expressed this skill by yelling at his engineers and designers. A lot. Because he was an asshole.

  • @topinambour_rex@lemmy.world
    183 months ago

    Lol, the crack appeared as soon after his death. Steve Jobs : no ipad air, no dividend for the share holders.

    Guess what been announced in the months following his death.

  • @AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Steve Jobs was a piece of shit human being who contributed nothing to technology.

    That said, he was a hell of a skilled bullshitter/marketer. Most people fucking looooove to be bullshitted, and Americans more than most.

    It’s why we elect virtually no wonks/technocrats, even though thats who we should elect almost exclusively. We’d rather some snake oil motherfucker sell us on magical lies while telling us we’re pretty.

    • circuscritic
      3 months ago

      I’ve never complimented, or defended Steve Jobs before, because he was a grade A piece of shit…but, Steve Jobs transformed technology precisely because he was a phenomenal salesman, with a great eye for technical talent.

      Just because he wasn’t an engineer, doesn’t change the fact that he forged Apple into what it became, and that absolutely contributed to modern technology - for better, and worse.

      • @AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I think marketers should get to take credit for ad campaigns they create, and engineers should get to take credit for technology they create.

        Capitalists just want to take the credit for what others do. Societal leeches. I don’t buy into their false narrative that providing the means of production they hoard out of greed means they deserve most to all of the credit for what they permit talented people to engineer and produce by the swear of their brow and the migraines of their solutions.

        We should be rewarding the Teslas of the world for what they invent, and punishing the Edisons that would claim other’s inventions as their own. But we suck, so we won’t.

        • circuscritic
          63 months ago

          Moving goalpost?

          You said he didn’t contribute to technology, so I pointed out that he’s responsible for Apple becoming what it became, which itself transformed technology.

          Now, you’re saying he shouldn’t get technical credit for…making the iPhone?

          Okay…I never said he should…but it you want to go down that path, he was very hands-on with in the design processes for two of their most pivotal products: the iMac and iPod.

          Again, he was a grade-A douche bag, who died a fucking hilariously stupid death, but that doesn’t erase, or override his impact.

            • circuscritic
              53 months ago

              It has nothing to do with congratulating.

              You made a false statement, and then moved the goalpost (motte and bailey) when I pointed it out.

              Simple as that.

    • Billiam
      73 months ago


      …Knowledge Fight-like typing detected?

  • Optional
    153 months ago

    TL;DR: Wahhh apple isn’t jamming enough AI crap in their products.

    Jobs was once asked about what helped to set Apple apart from other companies. In response, he spoke of his fondness of a quote from ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky who once said what set him apart as an ice hockey player is that “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

    Yet this is exactly where Apple finds itself right now, especially in relation to generative AI. While it is true Apple has long integrated AI technologies into the iPhone and its other devices in the form of features like computational photography and Siri, it has also trailed in these areas as well.

    Google, conversely, AI from the start, making it a centerpiece of its Pixel smartphone strategy from the moment the original Pixel device shipped over 8 years ago with Google Assistant its heart coupled with computational photography chops. It has been focused on bringing useful and advanced (non-generative) AI-based features to users on a much broader scale than Apple, such as Call Screening, Google Lens, Top Shot, Smart Compose, among many others.

    Pffft. Fuuuuuuuuck that.

  • @e8d79@feddit.de
    73 months ago

    Maybe Apple will have their Balmer moment but, as much as I would like to see that, I don’t expect it any time soon.