Instead of blocking them, this extension speeds them up to x16 and also mutes the ad. Experiencing a 30 second ad in 2 seconds is pretty funny. And it works on Edge and Chrome.
While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.
What a bunch of FUD. Firefox and uBlock Origin still work on Youtube just fine.
Part of the reason I am not advocating for or against the extension or the source. People can judge for themselves. I thought it was funny (not a great idea but definitely an interesting implementation). For the record I use both unlock origin and Firefox, and I also run a pihole at home. I’m just putting out there that it exists.
Imagine using Chrome 😂
Some people have to use it for work. Including me, although I don’t have this problem because I don’t use it for YouTube.
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And ublock origin continues to work, thankfully. Disappointing to see the article failed to mention it.
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Obscurity is an advantage in an arms war like this. The more popular a workaround gets, the more effort will be put into defeating it. You know it works, it doesn’t need to become popular to validate that.
uBlock is already massive, what are you on about?
Firefox is still sitting at under 5% of users and it’s the Firefox flavour of uBlock origin that I’m seeing people say still works at blocking YouTube ads (plus it sounds like Google is shutting them out of Chrome, though we’ll see what happens to the browsers based on forks of chromium). It’s a massive number of people in absolute terms, but tiny relative to the number of users who don’t use FF + uBo.
uBlock still works just fine on YouTube ads from Chrome.
The “Look at what they need to do to have a fraction of our power” Invincible meme comes to mind.
Pathetic to be satisfied with sped-up annoyances when they can be easily skipped altogether with a browser not controlled by the ad company.
What the fuck is wrong with this shit article?
The crackdown on ad blockers has been quite effective
No, it hasn’t. What’s up with the doublespeak?
While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.
Patently false. uBlock hasn’t had a single hickup.
Fuck whoever wrote this garbage.
I don’t know. I bet it has been pretty effective, but I also don’t think I’d trust any data I’d see from Google.
But, their goal isn’t to get you or me to watch ads. Hell will freeze over before I spend 30s watching an ad for a video that’s barely double that. Their goal is to target the people we’ve installed ad blockers for: friends, parents, siblings, in-laws.
I’m not going to watch ads, and I sure as hell am not going to click on anything, but my mother in law does now. My mom does too. They now feel like an ad blocker is “too much hassle,” so Google won that fight. I don’t know if new people are installing, updating, or changing ad blockers enough to offset right now.
I’m not going to watch ads, and I sure as hell am not going to click on anything, but my mother in law does now. My mom does too. They now feel like an ad blocker is “too much hassle,” so Google won that fight.
Google won until the next round when, to make even more money for the shareholders, they will put so many ads in a video that also your mother and mother in law will return to use an adblocker. Or leave YT entirely
Let them believe they’ve won.
They all pretend ublock origin don’t exist, they only talk about the old stupid for profit AdBlock that let’s “good ads” through.
Or use Firefox
I said it was novel. I didn’t say it was good.
My ff got hit by the blanket ‘no fire fox’ issue. Now even with no mods youtube won’t work at all.
Downloaded free tube. Keep thinking to make some kinda macro to auto switch to it when I search in ff search bar.
uBlock Origin is still working just fine for me.
Am I the only one experiencing little 1-2 second jitters? It’s as if it skips where an ad should be. I still don’t see an ad though.
If that’s happening to me, I’m not noticing it in the slightest.
yes let me rely on for the best methods to still allow youtube to still retain revenue on my views. Nice try google
On the other hand, this will royally piss off advertisers if it takes off. Make Google play a losing game of whack a mole with a ton of options on how to subvert their annoying platform
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That’s strange. You’d think that because Google isn’t going to remove in-video ads, that would be the sole purpose of creating ad blockers, to remove them. Not for the purpose of making Google remove them from their business model altogether lol. That’s clearly not going to happen.
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Very surprising to hear this, I would never think that would be a viable endeavor to begin with. But fair enough. Honorable of them!
From my personal perspective though, I’m spending zero time in any effort towards blocking ads. Installed uBlock years ago and I haven’t done anything since. 😌 They’ve done all the effort for me.
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Exactly what I mean. I’m very grateful.
Very reasonable reasons, by the way.
I use ublock origin. Haven’t had any serious problems so far. I don’t think Google will be successful for any long period of time with their anti-adblock vendetta because people live to ruin them.
I must be an anomaly but… Ublock still works perfectly fine for me on chrome lol
You aren’t. I also use Firefox and ublock origin (but sometimes have to use chrome for work).
I’ll have Youtube start bitching about… once a week or so, but that just means I have to clear my block lists and re-load them.
When I already watch YouTube videos at 3x-4x speed so I can still understand the ad 😅
When will people learn? YouTube is hot garbage and its time to move on.
I know. I know. You people love your trash.
What alternatives are there?
I use YouTube once every… month? Two months? This speaking as someone who would use it daily. I assume it depends on your use. For me it was music. Now I just use a music service.
I don’t watch TV, so I actually use YouTube for a lot of entertainment and education. Veritasium, CGP Grey, Ramblomatic, How to cook that, Kurzgesagt, Numberphile, Agadmator… And more.
I feel for you, godspeed in all your jouneys.