• @Gobbel2000@programming.dev
    249 days ago

    I would love for the UK to rejoin the EU, but the survey results mentioned in the article don’t really support the claim that there is a general desire to do so. A shift from 52% against to 52% in favor of EU membership is really not that significant.

  • @retrospectology@lemmy.world
    629 days ago

    This kind of cycle back and forth between full-throated conservative idiocy and then demanding to be saved from the consequences of their own actions is what really makes me so depressed about the majority of voters.

    I could excuse a young person maybe for being naive and inexperienced enough to think conservativism might have some kind of merit, but grown-ass adults have literally no excuse to ever believe the right-wing ever about anything.

    Not just in the UK, but everywhere.

  • @EnderMB@lemmy.world
    148 days ago

    My hope is that Labour are playing this smart. They’ll bang on about how Brexit won’t change, but that “we’ll look to increase economic and social strengths via our relationship with the EU”. We’ll reintroduce entry to the single market, ensure freedom of movement, and basically rejoin in everything but name - and then eventually say “well, if we want to rejoin it’s basically a tick in a box”.

    The EU will likely be happy for the UK to rejoin, even without punishment. The most reliable ally in the battle against Euroscepticism is a former Eurosceptic that can say how shit things were after leaving, and how much better they are since rejoining.

    • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      With the fight over the pound in the 80s and 90s when they first formed the EU, I would be very surprised if the EU didn’t force the UK to adopt the Euro to rejoin

    • @woelkchen@lemmy.world
      78 days ago

      If the UK applies to rejoin, this time no Thatcher UK Rebate or any other special exceptions. UK leeches were a thorn in our side for way too long. This time you better pay what you actually owe. And say bye-bye to your stupid currency. Euro adoption or nothing.

        • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
          48 days ago

          I’ve lived in a couple of countries of Europe, including the UK whilst it was an EU Member.

          The spirit about the EU in the UK was always different, no “stronger as a group” mindset, always “what’s in it for me” and trying scheme after scheme to see if they could swindle the rest of the EU.

          Then on top of it all there were all the many insults to the EU - and by extention the people in it - during the Leave Referendum and even afterwards, coming from amongst others top people in party in government, including the PM.

          I remember how even the Remainers were running around with delusions of national superiority: for example one of their arguments were “We should stay and change the EU from the inside”, as if Brits knew better what the EU should be than the other 470 million people in it.

          The EU doesn’t really need that kind of member nation, more so when we’re dealing with another one like that in our midst: Hungary.

          Respect is earned, not due, and the UK has a lot of work ahead to earn it.

            • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
              8 days ago

              I’m sorry but the UK is the entity we’re talking about, not actual persons - individuals can’t join or leave the EU on their own hence it’s the actions of the actual formal nation state that get judged when it comes to joining or leaving the EU.

              Consider the possibility that it’s your nationalist feelings (and given the huge role of British Nationalism in Brexit that’s not actually a good thing) that are making you confuse the country and the actions of it by the hand of it’s elective representatives, with you yourself and people like you - the actions of the nation never really represent all people in that nation and it’s not really healthy (IMHO) to identify yourself with The Nation.

              People being critical of a country seldom means they’re critical of everybody in that country, unless they’re nationalist far-right morons, in which case their problem is a lot bigger than merely talking in an acerbic way about a nation.

                • @davidagain@lemmy.world
                  27 days ago

                  Whilst I don’t disagree with your facts, I disagree with your tone.

                  It’s really understandable for EU folk to be angry with us. Our newspapers are toxic, the BBC promotes Farage and we were always going for British exceptionalism, with Brexit being the ultimate act of We’re Better Than You sentiment.

                  Me, you, 48% of the then voting public, Scotland and NI didn’t buy it, correct, but genuinely the right approach to EU irritation with the UK is apology, not “stop being mean” and not “it wasn’t my part of the UK”.

                  We’re not out of the woods yet. Britain’s most unelectable politician of all time, with nine losses in hand-picked constituencies may well win Clacton because the stupidly corrupt Conservative party couldn’t keep their stupidly corrupt MPs honest. How “we’re not a bunch of racist loonies” is that going to look across the channel? Yes, a bunch of us are going to turn away from the stupid racist Conservative party, but a lot of them are going to turn to the even more stupid, even more racist, even more anti EU Refuse UK Party.

        • gian
          37 days ago

          Keep in mind 2 nations within the UK didn’t want to leave along with a large chunk of the other two.

          Irrelevant. It is like saying the Lombardia and Veneto do not agree with what Italian government decide: it could be true but they cannot do whatever they want, they are part of Italy.

  • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Is Brexit an ignorant, lazy, myopic tantrum you can undo?

    Especially when you keep on giving the goddamned Tories the keys to the castle in every election that matters.

    nAh I’m NoT vOtiNg MaTe PoLiTiCs Is FoR wAnKeRs sHaLL wE gO fOr dRiNkS iNsTeAd?

    • gian
      58 days ago

      Is Brexit an ignorant, lazy, myopic tantrum you can undo?

      No, you can only ask to join again, then start the discussion and if everyone agree, join again. But this time it will be on EU terms, not UK terms.
      And the process can take years.

  • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    79 days ago

    The conservatives still have power in the UK and will continue to have influence for the foreseeable future. As long as conservatism has any place in UK politics, the UK should not be permitted to re-join. Conservatives will eventually just re-Brexit.

    There is simply no place in a healthy, modern society for a conservative government. Let the UK rid themselves of their plague of conservatism first before being allowed to further harm the UE with this dangerous illness.

    • gian
      -28 days ago

      The conservatives still have power in the UK and will continue to have influence for the foreseeable future. As long as conservatism has any place in UK politics, the UK should not be permitted to re-join. Conservatives will eventually just re-Brexit.

      I see what you are saying, but I don’t think you are completly right. Re-join can takes years and it will be under the EU rules, not UK, so no more special treatment like before. That alone is difficult to sell to UK, but I am not sure that if UK re-join people will vote again to exit, given that Brexit was sold with lies that was already exposed.

      There is simply no place in a healthy, modern society for a conservative government. Let the UK rid themselves of their plague of conservatism first before being allowed to further harm the UE with this dangerous illness.

      Disagree. A good government is a balance of progressivism and conservatism. Real life it is not black or white but a shade of grey (for the most part).

      • 🦄🦄🦄
        18 days ago

        What is one good thing of conservative influence in government that wouldn’t also be there without them?

        • gian
          07 days ago

          Everything. And nothing and all.

          There is not a single thing the conservatives are completly right about and the progressives are completely wrong (or vice-versa of course), so I cannot truly pinpoint something specific.

          • 🦄🦄🦄
            17 days ago

            The progressives are completely right about allowing two consenting adults to marry each other, regardless of other factors such as their skin color or their gender.

            That’s just one thing. I can name more. We do not need condervatives in government, they are only holding us back.

      • @undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
        28 days ago

        While balance can be good some times, the idea that a group of business interests and oligarchs coming together for the sole purpose of lowering their tax bills and buying the nations assets for peanuts, maskerading as a political party, could provide said balance is a strange one.

        Conserving the established power and wealth as well as keeping everyone else down is the only thing they look to conservatives look to conserve. The rest is the lies they tell, in order to get in to do it.

        • gian
          -17 days ago

          While balance can be good some times, the idea that a group of business interests and oligarchs coming together for the sole purpose of lowering their tax bills and buying the nations assets for peanuts, maskerading as a political party, could provide said balance is a strange one.

          On the other hand even trying to level everyone to the lowest level is wrong.

          Conserving the established power and wealth as well as keeping everyone else down is the only thing they look to conservatives look to conserve. The rest is the lies they tell, in order to get in to do it.

          True, the correct balance would be conserve the power and let everyone else to rise, but I undestand it is an utopian vision (the established power would never allow it).

          But in the end I think that the main problem is that both parts lost the contact with the normal people but the conservatives are now starting to talk to them again while the progressives are still talking only to themself in an ivory tower.

          • @undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
            17 days ago

            On the other hand even trying to level everyone to the lowest level is wrong.

            If only there was a third option. Somewhere between “a doctor and a kitchen hand earning the same money” and human greed, expressed in economic form. Oh well, never mind I guess.

            True, the correct balance would be conserve the power and let everyone else to rise, but I undestand it is an utopian vision (the established power would never allow it).

            Its not so much that. Its that their power is power over other people. Its the power to charge a levy (exactly like a tax) on the money people earn for using their things etc. The idea that one can be lifted while the other is retained is a contraction in terms.

            but the conservatives are now starting to talk to them again while the progressives are still talking only to themself in an ivory tower.

            Considering the conservatives are about to be whiped out at the next election, I hope that was meant to be ironic.

            • gian
              17 days ago

              but the conservatives are now starting to talk to them again while the progressives are still talking only to themself in an ivory tower.

              Considering the conservatives are about to be whiped out at the next election, I hope that was meant to be ironic

              Not sure about that, honestly, at leasto from what I see in Italy.

              • @undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                7 days ago

                This thread is about the UK, not Italy.

                However, if we are to talk about Italy, its always had a problem with fascism, being its birthplace and all. A millenniam long hangover from Romes slave economies and Christianity is to blame for what makes it very much the outlier and not the norm here.

                • gian
                  16 days ago

                  This thread is about the UK, not Italy.

                  I know. What I mean is that I would not be so sure that what people say they will vote will be what they actually vote.
                  In Italy many people told they would never vote for Berlusconi but somehow he won the elections. Same with Trump, the poll gave him losing yet he won.

                  The point is: don’t trust the polls, especially if there is a social stigma associated with one of the options.

                  However, if we are to talk about Italy, its always had a problem with fascism, being its birthplace and all. A millenniam long hangover from Romes slave economies and Christianity is to blame for what makes it very much the outlier and not the norm here.

                  You sentence is the exact reason why people are going to vote for the right wings.
                  The only people talking about fascism in Italy is the left wing. At the last EU election the points of the left were that the fascism must not win and that their secretary is a multigender woman. Not a word about the actual problems we have (for example, that people have seen their purchasing power drop by a considerable amount, a couple that want to build a family must relay on their parents to be able to buy an house and even more if they decide to have a child, lines at soup kitchens get longer and longer and so on).

                  But yes, we are going off-topic. My bad.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      18 days ago

      The “conservatives” nowadays are just another far-right party, only they’re led by posh twats instead of rabble rousers and unlike in most of Europe (with noteable exceptions being Hungary and maybe Austria), in the UK are mainstream rather than fringe.

      Nowadays they don’t really do “conserving”.

  • @davidagain@lemmy.world
    67 days ago

    Of course we do, but it ain’t gonna happen. Best you can hope for is the custom union in seven to ten years’ time.