Google is laying off more employees and hiring for their roles outside of the U.S.

    2 months ago

    no! That’s not how unions work in capitalism. A union can’t decide the business side of things. There’s a clear separation of responsibilities

    Ahahahaha right, I love how you just accept the legally defined rights of what a union can do and what it can’t as if those laws in any given country aren’t just a record of the battlefield between the working class and the ruling class. A union can do whatever the fuck a union wants to do, and the law will attempt to constrain it in favor of the ruling class and capitalists to the degree that is politically tenable in a given environment. Sometimes it will be successful, sometimes it will fail, but unions fundamentally exist outside of capitalism because they have a level of legitimacy that capitalism and the idea of owning other people’s labor will never have.

    It hardly needs to be said that like libraries, if unions didn’t already exist as a concept there is no way they would be legal at all if they were developed in this day and age. Unions are only ever temporarily legal along limited contexts under capitalism.

    Union-lead society wide innovation for the sake of the current workforce is probably the dumbest thing i’ve read in a while.

    high five solidarity my friend, even when you insult my intelligence you are still far more my friend than my boss will ever be