• The author canceled their Amazon Prime subscription on a whim and realized they didn’t really need it.
  • Leaving Prime meant slower shipping but the author was happy to wait and still found the selection and delivery speed satisfactory.
  • Many people love Prime for its fast shipping and convenience, but some readers expressed ambivalence and considered canceling.

Archive link: https://archive.ph/3M27c

  • @Red_October@lemmy.world
    445 months ago

    You’re kidding right? Are there actually people thinking they just can’t live without Amazon Prime? Seriously? Fuck even if you HAVE to order something off of Amazon, which you absolutely don’t HAVE to do, you don’t fuckin need prime just for… what… slightly faster shipping?

    • @Enekk@lemmy.world
      95 months ago

      On the contrary, during the great formula shortage of 2021/2022, Amazon Prime and the recurring delivery option was the only way I was able to get formula for my twins. Speed was important l, but so was Amazon’s huge supply chain.

      Since then, we live in a remote place and getting some stuff just isn’t possible at the one store near us. Amazon is really one of the best ways to get things we need. Now, of course, I hate them, but I also hate Walmart and don’t really have choices beyond those or a gas station convenience store.

    • @Emerald@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Free shipping, but at that point you should question why you are buying so much from amazon in the first place

      • @AA5B@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        It’s not really how much you buy, but how conveniently. I also thought it was silly to pay Prime, until pandemic. Then I discovered it’s silly to goto stores.

        I go to the grocery once a week, and very rarely goto other stores. Al those trips to Walmart and target and kohls and those horror that are malls, just gone. I save all that time and all that driving. I want free shipping on my shampoo, for example, because it saves me a trip to the store. If I had to wait until I had $35 worth of stuff to get free shipping, I’d probably end up with anther trip to a store for emergency items: my time, my car costs.

        Granted I also get things like shampoo in larger sizes than my local store Carries, so arguably more efficient in many ways. In some ways, it’s like Costco: why waste a trip to get a bar of soap or two, when i can get a 16 pack and just not worry about it?

          • @AA5B@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Yeah, it was a bad example and my comment was a bit contradictory, I actually do get larger quantities that I can’t easily get at a physical store. It’s not that I like it so much, as that I want to get it with minimal thinking and I don’t want to have to worry about it again as long as possible.

            The point is both that I save an emergency trip to the store and can buy in more bulk than the store provides.

            Prime is worth it for overnight delivery, regardless of the value I buy - no need to wait until a list piles up not to buy in more quantity than I’m comfortable investing in