While I agree with the sentiment of your post - you can tweak your own Internet usage and you should - this part is just ridiculously untrue:
The internet hasn’t changed drastically in 30 years.
In the last 30 years, we saw coming of google, facebook, amazon and others as a major forces on the Internet, deploying Skinner boxes for billions of people and shaping what internet is to vast majority of users…
In our country, that’s laughably obvious. How can I tell? Companies in their “inclusive” visuals use people of “minorities” not actually present in our country. So the message falls flat. If they really would like to believably support inclusion, they could include some members of the real oppressed minorities which we do have locally. But no, they import their messaging from abroad.
Sorry, unable to find it now either and my memory fails me. There’s a chronically mislabeled place near where I live, but I don’t want to doxx myself. So, please have this vaguely related fun story instead: https://www.thesun.ie/news/14465782/ghost-aldi-supermarket-tourists-lorry
Well it’s not free speech if it is not nazi propaganda.